Here's a little update: I started back to work on Monday, so far so good. Everyone I work with is so awesome and VERY supportive. My March of Dimes team - Willy J's Angels - has 27 walkers not include our children. We've already raised almost $1300 which is so awesome - I set the team goal at $2000, really being optimistic (which is so not me), but I think we actually will make it. We have 3 fundraisers to do and we are having a garage sale this Saturday and I'm donating all money from the sale to the MOD and we still have 16 days left til we walk. I would also like to share a picture of a BEAUTIFUL sight that I saw Tuesday morning when I was leaving the house. This picture is not the best quality, but it's a picture of the moon and 2 stars - I like to say it's my Jason & William saying "Good Morning" (the second star is kinda hard to see, it's on the right side almost to the edge of the pic).

It kinda took me by surprise because when we got home the night before there were tons of stars in the sky. Whenever we get home and it's dark Kayla always says Hi to her daddy & baby William - she gets so excited or "exciting" as she says. :) She's so funny. A few months ago she used to say "Look at all the Daddy stars, Mom" - every time she sees a star, no matter where it is or what it's on, she says "That's my Daddy". I love it, she's too amazing.